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Queer Writing for a Brave New World

Our First Ever Print Production - 2021

During the multiple UK lockdowns, with Out on the Page restricted to an online presence and doing what it could to alleviate isolation for LGBTQ+ writers; we came up with the idea of producing a chapbook.

Through discussions with our collaborators we became interested in the optimism of modernism, that sense of emerging from emerging from adversity towards something better.

An open call for for writing, photography and visual poetry from LGBTQ+ writers received over 150 entries. A crowdfunded campaign financed it, and, along with support from Inclusion Included and The Modernist Society the chapbook hit the shelves in late 2021.

The beautifully designed chapbook which features the work of twenty LGBTQ+ writers and photographers has been a great success. It went to a final reprint in early 2022.

There are still a few copies left at £8 + PP from The Modernist Society


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