I am a gay male, an lgbt activist and writer. I write re lgbt studies, Queer Theory, Urban Decay/Psychogeography. I use images to counterpoint the text. I write in hybrid/multi-genres(usually). I try and write/take captures through a gay male gaze/lens.
I am currently endeavouring to write an ongoing piece called something like:"INTERSTICES, AND LINKS", intra-textual images and words, covering Covid, HIV/AIDS; and lgbt (self) invisibilization/actualization
I have been published in this(which also showcases Merseyside LGBTQ Writing Group)
Here are my blogs:
I organise three LGBT Groups in Merseyside, including this one:an LGBTQ Creative Writing Group, currently(whilst on Zoom) open to all LGBTQ writers, internationally!
Thanks, Paul; just seen this lol. Yeah, they will take you somewhere else, then, perhaps BACK to yourself! Hope you OK:)
I'm a regular reader of Steve's blogs. They really are something else!