Nuril Basri was born in a village in West Java, Indonesia, and raised in a staunchly Islamic community. Nuril has worked in a variety of positions over the years—cashier, tutor, account manager, waiter, etc.—the combined experience of which has served to enrich his characters and setting. He writes tragicomedy and bildungsroman with the themes around: loneliness, insecurity, friendship, family, and LGBT in Indonesia. Nuril has written seven novels in Indonesian language, some have been translated into English and Malaysian. He has appeared in several literary events including Frankfurt Book Fair, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival and book talks in the U.K.
His work Not A Virgin (Monsoon Books, 2019) is a portrayal of gay community with Islamic background in Indonesia has earned him the spot of Five Indonesian Authors to read now by British Council.
E-mail: Web: Twitter: @basrinuril
I was recently asked to write a list of queer writers that got me excited about writing, whose work fizzed. Nuril was in my Top 10.